FA252122R0009: Cape Canaveral Launch Operations and Infrastructure Support (CLOIS III) Request for Proposal (RFP)

Name Number File/URL Date Document Type Include in Response
Amendment Number Description Posted Date Response Date
0001 This provides notification that Request for Proposal (RFP) for Cape Launch Operations and Infrastructure Support (CLOIS) III was formally released and posted on 16 June 2022. This is a follow-on acquisition for a non-personal services in support of m 2022/07/15 00:24 UTC 2022-08-01 13:00 Eastern Standard Time
0002 **Update** Amendment 0002 This solicitation has been amended toupdate the following:1. Update L-00 Instructions, Conditions, and Notices to Offerors.2. Update L-05 Cost Price Workbook.3. Update M-00 Evaluation Basis for Award.4. Update Attachment 7 S 2022/07/28 13:57 UTC 2022-08-01 13:00 Eastern Standard Time
0003 **Update** Amendment 0003 This solicitation has been amended to update the following: 1. Update L-00 Instructions Conditions and Notices to Offerors 2. Update Section J List of Attachments. 3. Update L-01 Questions and Answers with Government Respo 2022/07/28 14:00 UTC 2022-08-01 13:00 Eastern Standard Time
0004 ** Update** Amendment 0004 This solicitation has been amended to update the following: 1. Update L-01 Questions and Answers with Government Responses. 2. Update Section J List of Attachments. **Update** Amendment 0003 This solicitation has been am 2022/07/28 14:02 UTC 2022-08-01 13:00 Eastern Standard Time
Solicitation Number Ammendment Number Notice Type Posted Date
FA252122R0009 0004 Solicitation 2022/07/28 14:02 UTC
FA252122R0009 0003 Solicitation 2022/07/28 14:00 UTC
FA252122R0009 0002 Solicitation 2022/07/28 13:57 UTC
FA252122R0009 0001 Solicitation 2022/07/15 00:24 UTC
FA252122R0009 Solicitation 2022/06/16 19:27 UTC
FA252122R0009 Draft 2022/02/17 21:10 UTC