Vendors - Getting Started Help

General Steps for a Vendor to follow to use Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment applications

Step 1: Register with System for Award Management (SAM).

  • All vendor companies must register in the SAM to sell goods and services to the Department of Defense (DoD), by going to https://www.sam.gov/ (External Link).
  • Establish a SAM Point of Contact (POC), if not already done. The SAM POC is responsible for updating the information in SAM.
  • If you do not know your SAM POC, or need help with registration in SAM, please contact the Federal Service Desk at 866-606-8220 or 334-206-7828.
  • Vendors must also set up an Electronic Business (EB) POC for their company in SAM.
  • The EB POC is responsible for authorizing vendor employee(s) access to submit, modify and/or view data (contracts, invoices, payments, etc.). The SAM POC is responsible for entering or updating EB POC data in SAM.
  • To see if an EB POC is listed for a specific company, visit the SAM website, or consult your SAM POC.

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Step 2: Have your CAGE Code added to the Procurement Integrated Enterprise Environment (PIEE) Vendor Group Structure.

  • The PIEE Help Desk must add your CAGE Code to a Group in the PIEE Vendor Group Structure, before any personnel can self-register for applications within PIEE.
  • When requesting a new group, if a desired group name is not provided by the requestor, a group name will be assigned by the PIEE Help Desk based on your CAGE code or company name.
  • To request the set up of a vendor group, a company representative must contact the PIEE Help Desk, by phone or email, and supply your CAGE code and group name.
  • See PIEE Vendor Customer Support for contact information

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Step 3: Appoint a Contractor Administrator (CAM) for your Group. (Mandatory Step - there must be a CAM registered for each Group)

  • The company EB POC listed in SAM must complete this step. Only the EB POC is authorized to appoint a CAM.
  • The CAM is your company's "Gate Keeper,” responsible for authorizing access to applications in PIEE for all your company's employee(s).
    • Note: if you are a single person entity/company, a Contractor Administrator is still required.
    • Note: There is no limit to how many CAMs a company can have.
  • Vendors must appoint a CAM to manage their PIEE accounts. It’s recommended that the EB POC be the CAM.
  • If the EB POC registers as the CAM, no other paperwork is needed to establish the PIEE CAM account. Proceed to Registration (see Step 4).
  • If another individual who is not the EB POC, registers as a CAM; a CAM Appointment Letter from the EB POC listed in SAM is required, and may be requested.
    • If requested: The CAM Appointment letter must be complete, and match the submitted registration to be valid.
    • It must include the appointed CAM's First and Last name, Email Address, and Phone number. The assigned Group Name, and Cage Codes (refer to step 2 for Group Name information). It must be signed by the EB POC and the appointed CAM.
    • Upon request: it is to be sent by the EB POC, via email, to the PIEE Help Desk after the registration has been submitted.
    • Download the CAM Appointment letter here.
  • Proceed to Registration (see instructions in step 4)

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Step 4: CAM needs to Self-Register in PIEE. (Mandatory step - CAMs activate the vendor users)

  • The user type in the registration will be “Vendor”
  • Enter the CAGE code for your primary entity on the user profile.
  • When registering as the first Contractor Administrator for a company only add the Contractor Administrator role by first selecting the PIEE application from the application list, selecting the Contractor Administrator role, and clicking the Add Role button.
  • Additional User Roles may not be allowed at the time of registration when establishing the first CAM.
  • When adding the CAM role, the Group name should auto populate based on the CAGE code supplied on the profile, and the group name established previously in Step 2.
    • If a different group is needed, Delete the populated role, and add a new Contractor Administrator Role. Then, click Group Lookup, the group name can be found by searching for the Group Name that was established (In Step 2), or by the Location Code (CAGE code).
  • Once the registration has been submitted, if the registered CAM is not the EB POC listed in SAM.GOV a signed CAM appointment letter may be requested from the EB POC.
  • If the new CAM's account has not been activated within 2 business days of self-registration, call the PIEE Help Desk. (See Vendor Customer Support Link).
  • Click the "Register" button at the bottom of the page to begin registering.
    • Note: A CAM cannot approve additional roles for themselves. If additional roles are added or needed, call the help desk for activation.

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Step 5: Determine if batch feeds for WAWF data input is necessary.

  • Most Vendors use the manual, web entry method to input their documents directly into WAWF. Web entry is a good method if you have a small volume of payment documents to create or if you have a small number of line items on your contract(s). However, for vendors that have many transactions and/or many line items per payment document, you may want to consider submitting documents into WAWF via the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) method.
  • WAWF FTP and EDI Guides are available after your account has been activated in the WAWF Documentation menu. If further assistance is needed, please contact the PIEE Help Desk and ask for help with EDI. A trouble ticket will be created and will be forwarded to the Joint. Interoperability Test Center (JITC) and a technician will be assigned to assist you in testing your file layout(s). (See Customer Support Link)

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