Label |
Type |
Description |
Item No. ** |
Field |
Enter the Item Number used in the Contract. |
Product/Service ID * |
Field |
Enter Product/Service ID, where applicable, include a prefix or suffix. The The Product/Service ID is used to identify a specific part or item that has been contracted by the government. For the purposes of WAWF document creation, the The Product/Service ID is required regardless of whether the part had a part number. This is due to the back-end requirements for electronic reporting to the various payment systems. If the Initiator's contract is for services, and there is no NSN listed in the contract to cover the services, then enter the word "NONE" or "Services" in the The Product/Service ID field and select the The Product/Service ID Type Code of "SV." The The Product/Service ID must be 1 to 25 alphanumeric characters. However, if the Stock Type has a value of "FS," then the The Product/Service ID can be 13 to 18 alphanumeric characters. |
Type * |
Dropdown |
Dropdown containing The Product/Service ID Type code and description. The associated The Product/Service ID Type Code is used to quantify the The Product/Service ID and identify it. |
Qty. Shipped * |
Field |
Enter the quantity shipped, using the unit of measure in the contract for payment. |
Unit of Measure * |
Field |
Enter either the abbreviation of the unit measure or the description of the unit measure as indicated in the contract for payment, or enter at least 2 characters to display a dropdown list of unit of measure suggestions to select from. |
Unit Price (USD) |
Field |
Enter the Unit Price. This is the price of the individual items. This price is multiplied to the Quantity Shipped to derive the Amount for the line. |
Amount (USD) |
Field (readonly) |
Amount (USD) is automatically calculated and displayed. |
Field |
Enter the Agency Accounting Identifier (AAI). |
Field |
Enter the Standard Document Number (SDN). A number assigned to a document that uniquely identifies it from all other documents. |
Field |
Enter the Accounting Classification Reference Number (ACRN). |
PR Number |
Field |
Enter the Purchase Request Number. |
GFE? |
dropdown |
Government Furnished Equipment "N" if no, "Y" if yes. |
Advice Code |
dropdown |
Select the Advice Code from the dropdown if applicable. |
Description * |
Field |
Add Description of the Line Item. This block accepts up to two-thousand (2,000) characters. |
Mark For Code/Extension |
Field |
Enter the Mark For Code. |
Mark For Rep |
Field |
Enter in the Mark For Rep information here. |
Mark For Secondary |
Field |
Enter in the Mark For Secondary information here. |
Button |
Click to add the information entered to the document being created. |
Save Draft Document |
Button |
Click to save a draft copy of the document you are currently working. |
Previous |
Button |
Click to return to previous tab. |
1) Mark For Code, Mark For Rep and Mark For Secondary will be available at the CLIN level if the Pay System is 'EBS', Acceptance is by 'DSS' and the Admin By is not 'DCMA'.